Dr Dre – Still D.R.E. cover by The Quarantines

Last week, my friend Pierre posted a one-man-band video covering “Sunday Morning” by Maroon 5. I jumped in and played bass on top of it and a couple of days later, my friend Tara’s husband recorded a guitar line, and then Chris Tamayo did some amazing vocals!

Check out the final version here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-key14A7uT/

We may be thousands of miles apart but I always loved recording with Pierre so I took it as an opportunity to take the bass out and get back to what I really enjoy doing. I was browsing some Instagram stories last night and saw him playing a cover of Still D.R.E., and guess what, it needed some bass!

I also show quickly how to record any instrument on top of a video using Logic Pro X. You can use any recording software to achieve this:

STEP 1: Open your recording software of choice

STEP 2: Drag the video into the software and online elect to import the audio

STEP 3: Organize your tracks. Since I had done a similar recording the week before, I wanted to maintain my settings, so all I used the same file and marked the songs accordingly since I have a feeling there are more covers coming.

STEP 4: Start recording!

STEP 5: Bounce your recording and share it with the World!

Does anyone want to add some vocals? Maybe a sax, a synth, a kazoo? Hope everyone had a great weekend, see you online soon!

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